Ever wondered about what happens behind the scenes of a boudoir shoot? Spoiler alert! It isn't all sexy and glamour, contrary to all the sexy glamorous photographs! There are wedgies, laughter and laughter tears... all in one boudoir shoot!
First, leading up to the shoot I ask every client during their wardrobe planning call (right after their date is booked) what their level of comfort is, what their favorite features are and about their least (among other important questions) ... so I can tailor the shoot to them and their unique comfort level. Even if a client says they don't like their stomach, I may encourage a bra/panty outfit because I can pose and light around showing the tummy... making sure to help my client feel the best that she can.
Back to the fun of the shoot! I tell my boudoir clients all the time that it's a good thing their loved one isn't there seeing all the fun we have (and silliness) because it would make them wonder how we got any serious photos!
I love it though. A boudoir shoot should be fun. You should be able to let your guard down and your hair so to speak. And trust me when I say I am a huge goof ball. I will probably try to take at least one photo with the lens cap on and will get so excited about a set that I will jumble all of my words together (and I laugh really big and I may even let out a HELL YES or two!)
A client once told me that her friend asked her about me after her boudoir shoot ... was Michele REAL? Was she PERFECT? Perfect BODY or HAIR? Um - I am as real as any woman and I am FAR from perfect. I struggle with my body... my extra weight, my imperfections, my double chin, my flat behind, my bra bulge, my bye-bye arms... you name it. I will probably have a pony tail on your shoot day, shoot your session barefoot and say a curse word (or two).
But I think my body struggles make me not only able to relate to my clients but able to watch out for/be aware of the things that I know worry me and I have already asked about what they want me to watch out for. I may have you sit in a way that will cause a fold or bend in your tummy, but I will show you the angle I am shooting from and assure you that the camera cannot see it... and that everyone has folds and bends in their body in certain positions. The difference is how I shoot it and what actually shows in the photograph.
I know that it can be difficult to imagine how your boudoir photos would turn out... since you probably have never seen yourself like that. And you won't find many before/after photos on my website simply because my goal is to make sure every woman loves each of her photographs - so I make it a point NOT to show unflattering photographs. No before/after professional boudoir makeup either because of course you will look better after professional hair and makeup especially when I've asked you to arrive at the boudoir studio with your hair and face undone!
I know for some it can be a leap of faith to book a boudoir shoot when struggling to believe that YOU can look that amazing or that beautiful when you have never had a shoot like this before.
I make it a point to show images on the back of my camera as we go along through the shoot... because my goal is to hear you to say "OH MY... I LOOK AMAZING!! IS THAT REALLY ME??! Straight out of camera. No Photoshop. Just YOU.
I have included testimonials on my website to help show what other women have thought of their sessions.
My hope is that all women will exist in photographs. For themselves. For their loved ones. Not every woman will do a boudoir shoot (I wish they would!) but those that do, are impacted in a big way... they are much more confident and will have those gorgeous photographs to revisit and remember HOW MUCH FUN it was to look & feel absolutely incredible, sexy and glamorous. Remember, you are worth it. #existinphotos, #bebeautiful, #bebrave, #beyou.
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Michele Johns is an award winning, professional boudoir photographer located in Castle Rock, Colorado, serving clients from all over the world. Castle Rock is 25 minutes south of Denver, Colorado.